Albatross Musical Theatre Company will hold its AGM 7pm on Tuesday 21st February 2023 at the Youth Hall in the Nowra Showground. You are cordially invited to attend, and also encouraged to consider taking on a role on the committee. In order to vote at the AGM, you need to be a financial member of AMTC.
In 2022 AMTC adopted its new constitution which altered the membership process. Members who were financially current in 2022 have been sent an email from the secretary with a link to allow them to pay their membership fees for 2023. Being a 2022 financial member allows you to vote at the upcoming AGM.
If you were a past member but did not pay fees in 2022 you will need to reapply for membership as per the constitution adopted early last year. Our constitution does not allow new memberships on the night of the AGM, so if you wish to vote you should complete your application for membership by the end of this month (January 2023) so your membership application can be considered prior to the AGM, and payment of fees can be arranged. Your membership will remain current for the remainder of 2023 and allow you to vote at the AGM in 2024.
This year there will be other additional benefits in becoming an AMTC member. Come to the AGM to find out more details.
To nominate yourself or another person for a position on the committee, please use the nomination form, which can be found here –