Annie Rehearsals Have Started

The auditions are over, the cast has been announced, and so now the rehearsals have commenced.  The next 4 months will see our cast, crew and orchestra bring Annie to the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre in June / July.  Tickets will soon be available for purchase, so get in early for the best seats (although they are all good!!)

Annie and Oliver Warbucks

Annie (Mackenzie Bonney) and Oliver Warbucks (Mark Harris) will definitely not look as they did on the first night of rehearsals, when it comes to showtime.

Another of our cast, Smudge who will feature in Annie (with his owner Jaimie), and Paul Fraser, the director of this production, about to issue pearls of wisdom to the cast.

JAM Application Form

Hi from the JAM Team. 

Thank you for your interest in our musical theatre program.  To start the process, you will need to click here to access our JAM Enrolment Form.  Please read the form and dates carefully.  The form will not be submitted without an answer in at least every question marked with an “*”.

See you at our first workshop on 18th March, at the School of Arts in Berry St.

JAM Information Afternoon

JAM (Junior AMTC) is for interested children aged 10-15.  An Information Afternoon will be held this upcoming Wednesday 26th February 2020 at the Nowra School of Arts, Berry St Nowra, at 5pm.  

This years JAM program will be working towards a production of Alice In Wonderland in October, in the main theatre of the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.  It will be very exciting, with an anticipated audience of over 1500 people over a number of performances.

Please come along to the Information session to find out more!

Annie Cast Announced

Principal Cast

Makenzie Bonney as Annie

Mark Harris as Oliver Warbucks

Jessica Rosskelly as Grace Farrell

Jane Mcintosh as Miss Hannigan

Scott Bowcher as Rooster Hannigan

Morgan Dootson as Lily St Regis

The Boylan Sisters – Amy Barrett, Shenae Boulton, Emily Mackenzie, Taylah Wonson

Harrison Shepherd as Drake

Beau Voysey as Bert Healy

Stuart Withers as Franklin D. Roosevelt


The Orphan Ensemble

Zarie Aranda

Georgia Barrett

Domenica Belsito

Jyana Braid

Georgia Coleman

Miranda Danswan

Aleah Gooding

Kate Greenwood

Elizabeth Kent

Tayah Larsen

Naomi Parker

Anna Pigott

Keira Sater

Emilie Simmons

Marley Stephenson


Alaska Turner

Kayleigh Weissel

Neve Woodstone


Adult Ensemble

John M. Barak



Ron Hawthorne

Greg Lloyd

Wendy Bilbey

Jan Hart

Dianne Mckeever

Angélique Riou

Joanne Saba

Madeline Speer

Amelie Stanford

Felicity Tannous

Tenneil Withers



2020 Committee


Following the recent AGM, the following AMTC members have been selected to form the 2020 AMTC Management Committee

President – Laura Turner

Vice President – Ron Hawthorne

Secretary – Marie Del La Torre

Treasurer – Velma Walker

Committee Members – Graham Dyer, Julia Armstrong, Paul Fraser, Julie Fraser, Imogen Clarke and Greg Lloyd

CAT Awards

AMTC Productions from 2019 have been nominated in a number of the CAT award categories.  A message from Julia …

Hi JAMfam

I am doing a group booking for the Canberra Area Theatre (CAT) Awards, on the 18th April, starting at 6pm

Tickets are $66 / Adult or $55 / Child.  A group of 30+ is a flat rate of $55 / person.

Let Julia know ASAP if you would like to be a part of the JAMfam Fan Club!  Call Julia on  0411 436 350 to confirm your interest and find out travel details etc.

Annie Auditions Under Way

Annie auditions are now under way, with the expectation the process will be concluded by 16th February.  Cast announcements will be made in the days following.

If you would like a copy of the Information pack made available at the Information Night 2 weeks ago, click here

For further details or enquiries about the show, email –

Annie Audition Form Links

Anyone interested in being a part of the cast are directed to the relevant  link below.  

  1. Annie and orphans (girls only, who generally look 13 or younger on stage, click here
  2. Lead roles (other than Annie) and ensemble, who generally look over 16 on stage, click here

If you were unable to attend the information night, click here —> Annie Audition Info to get a PDF copy of the audition document made available at the meeting.  

Any questions, please email:


Annie Information Night

Our first production for 2020 will be Annie.  If you are interested in being part of the cast (principles or ensemble), in the orchestra, or part of the back stage team, please come along to the Information Night.

Place – Nowra School of Arts

Date – Wednesday 29th January

Time – 7pm

See you there!