Albatross Musical Theatre Company are excited to announce their junior program for 2022 will be starting in March and the JAM (Junior Albatross Musicals) team are holding an Information Session on Wednesday February 16 at 5pm.
Parents/carers and children are invited to attend the Information Session being held at the Youth Hall at the Nowra Showground. Participants in JAM require no prior singing, dance or performance experience and children will be accepted regardless of ability. So come and see and hear what it is all about.
The Information Session will explain about the weekly fun-filled program for children aged between 10-15 years that will lead up to a full stage production to be held at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre in the September school holidays.
The team running the program are looking forward to another exciting year. JAM instructors are qualified and experienced in teaching music, dance and drama and working with children with special needs. The program is backed by Albatross Musical Theatre Company, which boasts nearly 50 years of not-for-profit musical theatre production and provides this service to the children of our community free of tuition or costume fees.
Director Julia Armstrong says “At JAM we foster the spirit that we are all cogs turning the same wheel, working together as a team. This program allows children to develop skills, not just of vocal coaching, acting and performing on stage, but important life skills of persistence, resilience, confidence and great friendships that come from creating together.”
Established in 2017, Junior Albatross Musicals has bought shows such as “Dear Edwina Jr” (2017), “JAM Showcase” (2017), “Shrek Jr” (2018) and “Alice In Wonderland” (2021) to the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre. Also “Aladdin Jr” in 2019 which won 3 Canberra Area Theatre Awards including “Best Youth Musical” and “Best Direction of a Youth Musical” and “Best Youth Actor in a Leading Role”.

In 2022, the show chosen to be performed is “Honk! Jr” which is a musical reimagining of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Ugly Duckling. Adapted for young performers, with music by George Stiles and the book and lyrics by Anthony Drewe (Mary Poppins and Wind in the Willows) the story is a heart-warming celebration of being different. It’s funny, tuneful, has great leading roles and plenty of opportunity for ensemble cast and the costumes will be fun.
For further information and details on how to enrol, come along to the Information Session on February 16 at 5pm at the Youth Hall at the Nowra Showground. If anyone is unable to attend and requires further details, email or for information on other AMTC shows, visit the website on