Frozen Expression of Interest Form

Following the JAM Information session held at the Nowra School of Arts this afternoon (15th Feb), it is necessary to enrol interested students in JAM for 2023. Participating students need to be between 10 and 15 during show week, in late September.

For those who missed the information session, a summary of important information can be found here, and should be read before proceeding – please print and keep this information easily accessible.

There are 2 steps to complete enrolment:

Step 1 – Complete our online enrolment form – click here

Although JAM is free, it is mandatory that each participating student has their own libretto (script). They are $20 each.  Also, you may wish to purchase an optional Frozen Jr show T-shirt/s (this can be for your child, and / or yourself).  They are $25 each.

Step 2 – Complete our online libretto (script) and show shirt order form – click here

Sound of Music Auditions

Now that the Sound of Music Information night has happened, the link below will take you to the Audition form.  Please complete it as best you can, selecting 3 preferred audition time slots, as well as answering all the other questions.  You will also be asked to attached a headshot photo, to assist the audition panel in their deliberations.

If you have any problems accessing the audition form, please email

Audition Form for The Sound of Music – click here

Information Night Presentation (everyone auditioning should read this) – click here

Additional important Information (you should also read) – click here


JAM Information Afternoon

JAM (Junior Albatross Musicals) is about to start up again for 2023 – here is what you need to know …

JAM is for young performers aged between 10 and 15

JAM rehearsals take place on Thursday afternoons 4 – 6:15pm each week of school terms (Please note the change from previous Wednesday afternoons)

JAM 2023 show will be

JAM Information Afternoon takes place on – 

Wednesday 15th February at 5pm at the Nowra School of Arts

All interested students and families are welcome … it is going to be a BIG year!

Annual General Meeting Notice

Albatross Musical Theatre Company will hold its AGM 7pm on Tuesday 21st February 2023 at the Youth Hall in the Nowra Showground. You are cordially invited to attend, and also encouraged to consider taking on a role on the committee. In order to vote at the AGM, you need to be a financial member of AMTC.

In 2022 AMTC adopted its new constitution which altered the membership process. Members who were financially current in 2022 have been sent an email from the secretary with a link to allow them to pay their membership fees for 2023.  Being a 2022 financial member allows you to vote at the upcoming AGM.

If you were a past member but did not pay fees in 2022 you will need to reapply for membership as per the constitution adopted early last year. Our constitution does not allow new memberships on the night of the AGM, so if you wish to vote you should complete your application for membership by the end of this month (January 2023) so your membership application can be considered prior to the AGM, and payment of fees can be arranged. Your membership will remain current for the remainder of 2023 and allow you to vote at the AGM in 2024.

This year there will be other additional benefits in becoming an AMTC member. Come to the AGM to find out more details.

To nominate yourself or another person for a position on the committee, please use the nomination form, which can be found here – 

AGM Committee Nomination-form

Nomination of Proxy

Sound of Music Information Night

Our first production for 2023 will be the Sound of Music. 

If you are interested in finding out about the cast, backstage, orchestra or the Production Team, please come along to our Information Evening, to be held on February 1st, 7:0pm in the Youth Hall at the Nowra Showground.  

Also follow AMTC on Facebook (you can see our Facebook feed to the right of this page on your computer screen)

Mamma Mia a Smash Hit

amtc MM Show5
Bittersweet, we wrap up our final show of the year. A huge thank you to the local community who came and supported us in seeing this special show. We were incredibly touched by the reviews and were so excited to sing and dance with you.
Congratulations to cast, crew, band and creatives who were involved in mounting this huge enterprise of a show and absolutely nailed it. We hope you enjoy your much deserved rest!
Keep an eye out on our page to be kept updated with our 2023 shows and other events.
Photos from our production can be found here

Mamma Mia Tickets selling FAST!

Save the date! AMTC is inviting you to the wedding of the year. Sophie and Sky are getting married at the taverna on Kalokairi island, October 28th – November 6th, and you are all invited! Expect a weekend of fun and festivity on the Greek isles.
R.S.V.P to the wedding by booking your tickets here.
Mamma Mia! is presented by Albatross Musical Theatre Company, featuring a large ensemble and band that is all local talent to the Shoalhaven.
More information can be found on the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre’s website above.

Tickets – Get them while you can!

Tickets for our two upcoming productions are now available at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre Box Office, or online.

For information and tickets for Honk!, our Junior AMTC production – click here

Mamma Mia Ticket launch video – click here

For information and tickets for Mamma Mia, click here

You can always follow us on Facebook – click here

Mamma Mia Cast Announcement

Congratulations to everyone who auditioned to be in AMTC’s production of Mamma Mia!  It was an extremely difficult process deciding on the final cast, after seeing so many talented people.

The AMTC Committee and the Mamma Mia Production Team are very pleased to announce the cast of AMTC’s production of…

Our first rehearsal will be on Monday 11th July at the School of Arts in Berry St, Nowra, starting at 7:30pm.