Little Mermaid Photo Gallery

The gallery of photos from The Little Mermaid has been uploaded.
Follow the menu link above to the Gallery.
The cast, crew and orchestra photo is also there.

The Little Mermaid Opening Night

Chef Louis ( a cast member) celebrates the arrival of the “magnifique” amtc production of the Little Mermaid at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre tonight.

Audience response *****

Five shows remaining in the season.

BUY TICKETS. You won’t be disappointed

Tri monthly meeting October 3rd

There will be a tri-monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, October 3rd from 7pm, at ‘The Shed’, 68 Meroo Rd Bomaderry. Please come along to hear all that has been happening for the Company in the last few months. It has been a busy year! Take a peek at some of the “Little Mermaid” set, and join us for a cuppa after the meeting.

JAM looking sweet with “Dear Edwina”

Now it’s the JAM turn for some promotion.

Join our talented 50+ young performers as they present “Dear Edwina” in August.

Well into production the show is a musical tale of a young lady who answers letters in response to requests for help from others. Quirky, comedic and with lots of action. And, of course, very entertaining.

To be performed in the studio theatre at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre. Tickets on sale now.