Frozen Expression of Interest Form

Following the JAM Information session held at the Nowra School of Arts this afternoon (15th Feb), it is necessary to enrol interested students in JAM for 2023. Participating students need to be between 10 and 15 during show week, in late September.

For those who missed the information session, a summary of important information can be found here, and should be read before proceeding – please print and keep this information easily accessible.

There are 2 steps to complete enrolment:

Step 1 – Complete our online enrolment form – click here

Although JAM is free, it is mandatory that each participating student has their own libretto (script). They are $20 each.  Also, you may wish to purchase an optional Frozen Jr show T-shirt/s (this can be for your child, and / or yourself).  They are $25 each.

Step 2 – Complete our online libretto (script) and show shirt order form – click here